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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

EVDO Rev. B promises more than 9Mbps download speed!

The son of EVDO is on his way, and when he arrives, he'll bring faster wireless downloads, even for some lucky people who already have older EVDO equipment. Here's one tech that we could see in the market sooner rather than later.

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Friday, March 23, 2007 Founder Kevin Rose Talks User-Controlled News, TV — And Vomit

MTV News recently caught up with Rose during the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco. We sat with him in a renovated warehouse which was serving as Digg's offices and talked about everything from "digital Maoism" to vomiting on a webisode.

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MTV News recently caught up with Rose during the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco. We sat with him in a renovated warehouse which was serving as Digg's offices and talked about everything from "digital Maoism" to vomiting on a webisode.

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According to Novell ads, Linux is a cute girl who needs a haircut

Apple VS PC.... VS Linux ?

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LifeHackers Top 10: Must-have Firefox extensions

If ever a software application was built to be more than itself, it's Mozilla Firefox. Over the past 2 years we've tried, loved and posted dozens of feature-adding extensions for our favorite web browser. But today we have the master, grand daddy list of 10 must-haves.

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MythBusters - Shot Right Through a Sniper's Scope

MythBusters find out the possibility of shooting trough sniper's eye.

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Xbox Crashes French PS3 Launch

At the PLAYSTATION 3 launch event in Paris, Microsoft found an opportunity to do a little guerrilla marketing by sending French gamers queuing up for a PS3 a kind reminder via boat. You can check the video here, but don't forget to view the... splendor of the midnight launch event over at Jeux-France. They have loads of shots of the, um...

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Thursday, March 22, 2007

Top Ten Reasons You Don't Need Apple TV (Yet)

A balanced look at 10 legitimate reasons people don't need to rush out and buy Apple's latest "must-have" invention, Apple TV, plus 10 counterpoints. Apple fanatic or hold-out: whichever side are you on, you'll feel smarter for having read this.

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Unnecessary Censorship on iTunes: "Cartman S***s"?

When people censor things, sometimes the cure is worse than the disease. A funny example of censorship on iTunes.

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Judge's decision leaves RIAA with lose-lose situation

A federal judge has ruled that one file-sharing defendant is entitled to a shot at vindication in the courts, either via dismissal with prejudice or a jury trial.

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Saturday, March 17, 2007

PICTURE: Geeky Girlfriend Makes A World Of Warcraft Themed B-Day Cake

"My a good friend makes kick-ass cakes as a hobby. Last year she started dating my old roomate who plays World of Warcraft a fair amount around his job; for christmas she aquired a "WoW stole my boyfriend" t-shirt. She is good-natured about his love of Warcraft, however, as shown by the birthday cake she made him three weeks ago"

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Target is transferring cashiers who avoid pork

In the wake of community criticism, Target Corp. is reassigning its Muslim cashiers who refuse to ring up pork products for religious reasons to other jobs at the stores.

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US: Muslim Cashiers Refuse to Handle Pork Products...

MINNEAPOLIS - Beryl Dsouza was late and in no mood for delays when she stopped at a Target store after work two weeks ago for milk, bread and bacon.

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US: Muslim Cashiers Refuse to Handle Pork Products...

MINNEAPOLIS - Beryl Dsouza was late and in no mood for delays when she stopped at a Target store after work two weeks ago for milk, bread and bacon.

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